
The play, Macbeth represents the evilness and vast guilt that is created by it. The background music enhances the impact and the all-around mood of evil deeds. For example, when Macbeth kills Duncan the music strongly conveys feelings of tension, fear and danger. After Macbeth becomes the king of Scotland, he often sees the vision of dead person who was killed by Macbeth. Throughout this scene, I can feel Macbeth’s heart beating emotion is realistic. In addition, as Macbeth’s wife becomes insane due to the guilt of her attribute to the incident. This scene shows how guilty is fearful. However, in Shakespeare’s play there is no actual murder scene because Shakespeare thought that there was no point to adding those scenes. In my opinion, He perhaps thought that the play had enough cruelty in it, and he was working more on the imaginations, not the eyes and ears, of his audience. The movie is a clever adaptation of Shakespeare’s story. It would be a failure if it did not effectively transfer the play’s strong sense of evil to the screen, especially the sequence of corruption that leads men to evil acts because of greed. The mood and the setting are the most important because the movie must achieve the dark mood and setting in order to convey the sense of evil to the audience; this movie has accomplished that.